I'm beginning to feel like I am being taken for a ride. We signed a contact to build our house back in January. At that time we were told that we would need to go to two design meetings to finalize our option selections. On February 5th we attended our first of these meetings. At this meeting the design representative could not tell us all the prices, so she submitted a price request. Not wanting to make a decision prior to knowing the cost, we waiting until we had the prices in hand before our second (and final design meeting). Initially, we were told that we would have the prices the next business day. After many phone calls and emails, we scheduled our second meeting in hopes that that would encourage them to get the prices for us. It worked, we finally had our price request two weeks after our initial design meeting and just in time for our final design meeting on February 22nd.
During our final design meeting we were told that our packet would be submitted to corporate, the appropriate permits would be acquired and we could expect to break ground in about a month. We were told that a man named Tony would be managing the construction and he would meet with us to do a final walk-through on the property. While I acknowledge that February is a short month, the approximate deadline of March 22nd came and went. During that month the only thing we heard from the builders came through our bank account. Our check for the additional design elements had been deposited. Anxious to get things started, I called the sales rep. In an effort to not be an overly annoying client, I apologized for bothering her, but inquired about the status of our house. Much to my surprise, on March 24th I learned that they would break ground by the end of the month. We found this slightly difficult to believe, but were nonetheless excited by the news.
On March 31st, we patiently waited by the phone for Tony to call. By 4:30 p.m. I was tired of waiting, so again, I begrudgingly called Linda, our sales rep. Linda told me that Tony had our packet, but he was busy with the transition, since she had sold the last house in the community a few weeks back. She told me that Tony had three houses, including ours, ready for the final meeting and she felt confident that we would hear from him by Monday. She asked me to call her on Tuesday if we had not heard from her. She also told me that she is moving into a Meritage home -- just like ours. Of course, her's is an inventory home, so she will be moving many months before us.
I am beginning to feel like we are just being told what Linda thinks we want to hear and that if she can get us off her back for a week at a time - great. What I really want to be told is the truth and for her to properly manage my expectations.
We do not have Tony's phone number, otherwise I would have called him a long time ago (probably the reason we do not have it). So, what are my options? Do we continue to wait for the next deadline to come and go? Is there someone else I can call?
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