Over the past couple of weeks we have been patiently watching the excavation of our garage progress. As these photos document, the workers steadily, in a two steps forward, one step backwards manner, dug a seven foot deep hole. On April 21st they stopped moving dirt from one corner of our property to another excavating.
Yesterday, after lunch Jordan waited patiently until I had returned to work and then snuck over to the property to get a sneak peek of the progress went to check out the progress. Much to his pleasure, the forms for the foundation were being set up! Then, in order to not "ruin" the surprise for me, he simply told me that he was excited about the progress being made on our lot and made me wait until after work to see the progress for myself. After work, I ran home to grab my camera and then went straight to the property to see the progress for myself.
With so much progress being made, we could not resist the temptation to stop by during lunch today to see what was going on. It turns out that after excavating a hole, the next step is to fill the hole back up with sand. I cannot wait to see what happens next.
P.S. The past 24 hours have been rough for our family. Yesterday, Chance, our rat terrier, lost his battle with cancer. He would have been 13 on May 1st. Chance was a wonderful dog. He was an amazing scavenger. Without fail, he could find a biscuit or a hot dog on a walk through the neighborhood. He was like our neighborhood clean-up committee. He also knew when it was time to go get ice cream or go on a walk, and would make sure that no one forgot. He always knew when I was sad, and would do everything he could to cheer me up. Finally, he could chase squirrels with the best of them. So well in fact, that most of the squirrels in the park across the street have relocated. Chance lived a good life, but he will be missed.
Then, Maggie, our 6-pounds of vigor, ate some rat poisoning yesterday. She is currently at the vet and they are trying to control the bleeding. My mom is in the process of finding out what kind of rat poisoning was used, so the vet can give her the correct antidote. She's a feisty little thing. She has no problem chasing deer off our of property or bossing the bigger dogs around. Hopefully, she can beat a little rat poisoning too. If you could say a little prayer for her (and my mom), we would greatly appreciate it.
UPDATE: After spending six days at the vet, Maggie got to go home! I am told that she is still not herself, but is continuing to improve. Thank you for all your prayers.
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