Moving Up and Out

Our little community, Ridge at Lantana, is growing up.  Linda, our sales rep, informed me that she will be selling the last house in the community on Sunday (not sure how she knows this).  Then, she will be closing up and model home and reconverting the office into a garage.
The model home was one of the first homes sold.  Instead of moving in, the new home-owners rented the home to the builders.  The garage was converted into an office and the interior was stage accordingly.  Then, three years later, when the builder has sold all the houses in the community, the sales force moves out, the garage is reconverted, and the home-owners can finally move in.

Linda also informed me that construction on our house will begin THIS month.  As in March.  Woo hoo!  We are looking forward to moving this process along.  And, when construction is over, moving into a neighborhood that is complete.


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