As you know, getting action out of our general contractor is like getting blood out of a turnip. In the past couple of days we have managed to make a little bit of progress. Whether the progress is a result of our annoying the general contractor until he caved persistence or that action was bound to happen at some point, I do know. But, progress is progress -- and I like it.
Yesterday, I spoke with Linda, our sales agent, regarding the time line. She said that Tony (our builder and general contractor) had informed Meritage that the goal closing date for our house was August 24, 2010, but that there is no realistic chance that we will meet that goal. However, she informed me that it was safe for us to give our apartment notice of a September 30, 2010 move out.
As of yesterday, our foundation passed the water rough inspection and the crew is beginning the final grade of the fill material, installing ploy and cables, finishing the forms, installing electrical ground, installing the water pipes, installing additional steel reinforcement for several other inspections before the final foundation pour, which is scheduled for next week.
Based on Linda's assumption that the foundation will be complete on June 29th, she estimates that the framing will be complete by July 5th and the drywall will be complete by July 30th. She stated that after the drywall is complete, a house is typically completed in 60 days, but can be completed in as little as 45 day.
Below are some photos of our house on June 15th and June 23rd. As you can see, they have installed the final fill material.
June 15, 2010
June 23, 2010
Most of our frustration stems from the fact that our next door neighbors' house broke ground one day before ours and is scheduled to close on August 23, 2010, one day before our "goal" date. The house is being built by the same company and the same builder (general contractor). The picture below shows both of these houses. Our house garage is the one in the foreground.
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